In light of these calamities, a cry of anguish arises from the depths of many hearts:
Will God not have pity on our world?
Is it doomed to be punished and to disappear?
100 years ago Our Lady came to the Earth to warn mankind that it was bordering the abyss, but also came to say that She brought the solution.
To the three shepherd children of Fatima, She presented a simple, threefold solution full of hope:
Prayer, penance and amendment of life!
Nonetheless, one century later, after two world wars, and after the most atrocious terrorist attacks in the history of mankind, where is the conversion, penance and prayer?
Will we present ourselves empty-handed to Our Lady on the occasion of the centenary of the apparitions in which She asked for conversion, penance and prayer as the means to avoid God punishing the world?
1,000,000 people praying the Rosary by the 13th October 2017
This is the bold goal of the Prayer Crusade of Reparation: by the 13th October 2017, 1,000,000 people praying for the conversion of mankind, thus bringing about the promised triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary!
Join thousands of people on 5 continents who are already part of our
Prayer Crusade of Reparation!
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Fill-in your complete address, with house no. and street, to receive FREE a beautiful commemorative Centenary rosary with lapis lazuli blue glass beads !!
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